Political Philosophy after Rawls: Equality, Justice and Diversity

This course focuses on the political philosophy after Rawls. We aim for a common ground by making the book by Will Kymlicka, Contemporary Political Philosophy, An Introduction (Second Edition, Oxford University Press) compulsory reading. We will not go into the book during the contact hours. Other authors that belong to the same domain and might play a role during the course are:  Sen , Nussbaum, Raz, Otsuka, Van Parijs, Tan Kok-Chor, Vallentyne, Pogge, Miller, Sandel, Kukathas, Carens… . 

The themes to be discussed in the course are decided over in a collective manner at the start of the course. It is the responsibility of the students to identify texts that are crucial for the analysis of their topic. They will also be invited to present this text to the rest of the group and lead the discussion on this text.